The Old Silver Watch - 1912

Mary Collins dies leaving two children; Mildred ('Lucie') and Frank. On her deathbed, she gives Frank a silver watch that belonged to his father. The children are separated from each other and grow up with foster parents. Lucie and Frank meet again when he rescues her from a thief. They fall in love, unaware they are brother and sister. On their wedding day Frank is shot by the vengeful thief. The bullet however is stopped by the silver watch. On seeing the watch, Lucie realizes that they are brother and sister; the marriage is cancelled.

Avaliacões do Trakio0.0/10
Avaliacões do IMDB4.1/10


Foto de perfil de Maurice CostelloMaurice CostelloFrank as an Adult
Foto de perfil de Leah BairdLeah BairdMildred as an Adult
Foto de perfil de Rose TapleyRose TapleyThe Children's Distraught Mother

Sobre The Old Silver Watch

Sinopse de The Old Silver Watch

Mary Collins dies leaving two children; Mildred ('Lucie') and Frank. On her deathbed, she gives Frank a silver watch that belonged to his father. The children are separated from each other and grow up with foster parents. Lucie and Frank meet again when he rescues her from a thief. They fall in love, unaware they are brother and sister. On their wedding day Frank is shot by the vengeful thief. The bullet however is stopped by the silver watch. On seeing the watch, Lucie realizes that they are brother and sister; the marriage is cancelled.

Classificação Indicativa: NR
Duração: 13min

Informações extras

Título Original: The Old Silver Watch
Idioma Original: Inglês
Dirigido Por: Van Dyke Brooke
Vitagraph Company of America