London Sex Project: Infidelity

What is the London Sex Project? 6 out of 10 people have sex outside their relationship. Leading adult film producer, Joybear Pictures, has commissioned award-winning filmmaker, Oliver McDowell, to find out why. Critics are calling this the most explicit documentary ever made. After months of interviews, McDowell and the LSP research team have found a group of Londoners who are willing to talk openly about sex outside their existing relationship. Each participant has also agreed to be filmed having sex with their lovers, using our cameras. Whilst they are aware of the secret filming, their lovers are unaware.

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Sobre London Sex Project: Infidelity

Sinopse de London Sex Project: Infidelity

What is the London Sex Project? 6 out of 10 people have sex outside their relationship. Leading adult film producer, Joybear Pictures, has commissioned award-winning filmmaker, Oliver McDowell, to find out why. Critics are calling this the most explicit documentary ever made. After months of interviews, McDowell and the LSP research team have found a group of Londoners who are willing to talk openly about sex outside their existing relationship. Each participant has also agreed to be filmed having sex with their lovers, using our cameras. Whilst they are aware of the secret filming, their lovers are unaware.

Duração: 90min

Informações extras

Título Original: London Sex Project: Infidelity
Idioma Original: Inglês
Dirigido Por: Oliver McDowell
JoyBear Pictures