Option éducation sexuelle

In a high school in the Parisian suburbs, a dozen young people, in general or professional second class, find themselves in a room, to attend a lesson like no other. Sex education option! They are 15 years old and have been selected to participate in 5 sexuality education workshops, led by Thomas Guiheneuc. The film recounts this pilot experience and follows the daily life of the group of teenage volunteers for several weeks. Through exercises on gender representations, on the forces and influences of norms and stereotypes, on the concern for the pleasure of oneself and of the other, on the understanding of equality and consent, these high school students reveal and tell.

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About Option éducation sexuelle

Option éducation sexuelle Overview

In a high school in the Parisian suburbs, a dozen young people, in general or professional second class, find themselves in a room, to attend a lesson like no other. Sex education option! They are 15 years old and have been selected to participate in 5 sexuality education workshops, led by Thomas Guiheneuc. The film recounts this pilot experience and follows the daily life of the group of teenage volunteers for several weeks. Through exercises on gender representations, on the forces and influences of norms and stereotypes, on the concern for the pleasure of oneself and of the other, on the understanding of equality and consent, these high school students reveal and tell.

Runtime: 70min

Extra details

Original Title: Option éducation sexuelle
Original Language: French
Directed By: Marie-Pierre Jaury