
CROSSED is the story of a young hitman named Frank Archer, who rises through the ranks of a seedy underworld dominated by upstart crime boss Borriello. Still living up to the legacy of his father, Frank Archer searches for the truth about his haunted past, eventually crossing him with a sadistic assassin known only as 'The Ripper'

Trakio rating0.0/10
IMDB rating7.8/10

About Crossed

Crossed Overview

CROSSED is the story of a young hitman named Frank Archer, who rises through the ranks of a seedy underworld dominated by upstart crime boss Borriello. Still living up to the legacy of his father, Frank Archer searches for the truth about his haunted past, eventually crossing him with a sadistic assassin known only as 'The Ripper'

Runtime: 105min

Extra details

Original Title: Crossed
Original Language: English
Budget: $100.00